CAVA™ Culture And Values Advisor™

A Unique Confidential External Coach for All Employees

Types of Concerns

  • Inappropriate behavior or breakage of company rules/policies/values
  • Unfair treatment or discrimination
  • Need for a mentor, coach, career development
  • Suggestions for improvements
  • Just want confidential advice or coaching
  • Managers/leaders want confidential discussion on how best to manage employees or issues


Learn More About CAVA

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What is a Culture and Values Advisor?

An external consultant available to receive confidential calls from employees who wish to ask for advice or discuss concerns regarding DEI, career and/or working relationships

The CAVA’s role is to coach employees on how to proceed with problem solving and/or to assist employees in finding fair resolution while maintaining a neutral and realistic point of view 

Philosophy:  long-term business goals can best be served by seeking fair and ethical decisions for employees in the short-term


Why Call CAVA?

  • Uncertainty as to who to talk with internally
  • Already talked internally and don’t feel answers are fair or adequate
  • Feel the person they should talk with may be “too close” to the situation
  • Employee believes the confidentiality of the CAVA process will serve them best

How to Contact CAVA?

Call Us at   513-497-5819

Email Us at

OneTeam Consultants    +1 513-497-5819